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Powering Phylogenetics and Population Biology Research

Subscribing to CIPRES gives you up to 200,000 hours of computing time, 150 GB of storage, and timely assistance from experienced staff in making your analysis. Your purchase also helps support ongoing CIPRES operations, such as maintaining and improving the existing interface, testing, benchmarking and releasing new tools, providing user support, monitoring and responding to interruptions in service, ensuring users have equal access to compute resources, and helping individual users with special job requirements. Subscriptions can be purchased from your grant with an institutional procurement card, a personal credit card (click here), or a purchase order (email [email protected] for details). Payment must be received before subscription access can be provided. Want to try it out first? A free six month trial for up to 1,000 hours of compute time is available.

“CIPRES has moved the needle in terms of the kinds of questions can be asked by field biologists”
“The computations took 6 minutes on CIPRES for my input file, while trying to run this on my PC it collapsed after 2 weeks! User friendly server …. which greatly facilitates research!”
“I’m in the jungles of Panama for fieldwork , can’t tell you how helpful it is to have this resource.”
“I am at a small regional university where I do not have access to the kind of computing power available at R1 universities. Therefore, my research program really benefits from this amazing resource.”
“The wall time for these data sets are 30 min (2000 Bootstrap reps) [on the CSG], but locally it would take 24 hours for each run. So, instead of 10 days to complete all the analyses with a few local computers, I have publication quality trees overnight.”
“It is hard for me to imagine how I could work at a reasonable pace, especially when things like manuscript or grant submission deadlines loom, without this resource. I am pushing now to submit a manuscript by Friday, and I am making multiple runs by RAxML and MrBayes each day, but all of which are necessary to get the final picture polished and submission-ready.”
“The functional capabilities in phylogenetics provided by the combination of high-performance computing resources and user-friendly interfaces at CIPRES allow a biologist to concentrate on hypothesis testing and “biological thinking”, rather than being forced to spend an inordinate amount of time fighting what are purely computer science associated issues to get at usable data in a reasonable amount of time.”