Repbase is a comprehensive collection of representative repeat sequences in eukaryotic genomes, and has been an essential genetic sequencing companion since 1992. This unique resource can be utilized either as downloadable software and data files, or as an online resource. Repbase is maintained and managed by the Genetic Information Research Institute (GIRI), a private, non-profit institution devoted to the study and characterization of repetitive or mobile DNA elements in eukaryotic species. Repbase has over 22,000 registered users and the three articles introducing Repbase have been cited by around 3,500 scientific articles.

A large portion of Repbase’s value comes from the downloadable nature of the resource for offline use. This allows for users to carry out complex and numerous analysis over the course of weeks or months after a single download. As a result, online usage data is not representative of the value of the resource. For this reason, Repbase has a flat-rate pricing model, similar to other software tools. The various online tools for Repbase are included in the subscription as well.